Grønland 34
The property has a very central location at Strømsø / Union Brygge in Drammen. It is about 500 metres from Drammen railway station which is a stop for the airport express, local, regional and long-distance trains. Union Brygge won the City prize in 2017 for successful redevelopment.
Grønland 34 is known as Vektergården in Drammen and Gjensidige Forsikring has been the lessee since it was built in 1998.
The property has an attractive canteen, cloakrooms and pleasant outside seating area by the Drammen River. Each floor is suitable for division and occupation by several tenants. The façade is clad with bricks, panels and glass. The roof is flat. The tenants are Sykehuspartner, Sykehusinnkjøp, Gjensidige Forsikring and Glitre Eiendom.
6 700 m2 Office building
6 floors + basement
Purchased 2016
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